Hey! today I have a very special post because I want to share with you guys some of my country's slang!
In Latinoamerica, we have many phrases to express ourselves in an informal way. When we hear some Argentinian, Mexican or Colombian slang, there could be different, even us, as native speakers ¡sometimes we need to ask for the meaning!
I'm from Bogotá Colombia, so I'll talk about what I know, maybe we share some of it with my friends from other Latin American places!
It has long tongue= person who likes a gossip.imals, in Spanish we use the animals as a metaphor to describe a person's characteristics (good or bad), let see some:
"Sapo" --> Frog
It has long tongue= person who likes to gossip.
"lagarto" -->Lizard
This animal walks really close to the floor= to crawling on in any situation.
"Abeja" --> Bee
"Ser abeja" means to be really smart
"Culebras" --> Snakes
The Snakes are long and tangled like the debts
"Puerco/ cerdo / cochino"--> Pig
This animal has a bad reputation for being not too clean, so, means that someone is dirty.
"Conejo" / Rabbit
Hacer conejo means to skip a rule- remember that Saltar in Spanish means to skip and to jump
good energy!