here some phrases in spanish to
"Sentirse como un bicho raro"
To feel uncomfortable in a specific situation or place
"me fuí de esa fiesta porque me sentía como un bicho raro"
I left the party because I was feeling uncomfortable
"no me gustan tus amigos, me hacen sentir como un bicho raro"
I don't like your friends, I'm not feeling comfortable with them.
"En un abrir y cerrar de ojos"
means that something happens really fast
"llegaré en un abrir y cerrar de ojos"
I'll arrive really fast
"todo pasó en un abrir y cerrar de ojos"
everything happened really fast
"Dejar plantado a alguien"
don't call When you have a meeting and you can't arrive
"no puedo creer que Pablo me dejó plantada, estoy muy enojada"
I can't believe that Pablo didn't appear, I'm so pissed off
"Ella nunca llegó, me dejó plantado"
she didn't appear to our meeting
"Ahogarse en un vaso de agua"
to see really complicated a situation, even if it's not really important
"no es un problema tan grave, te estas ahogando en un vaso de agua."
the problem is not that complicated, you're the one who's complicating the situation
"Echar una mano a alguien"
to help someone
"mi vecino me echó una mano con las maletas"
my neighbor helped me with the suitcases
"ven, échame una mano "
come here, help me
"Ponerse las pilas"
put full energy and effort into something
"Tengo que ponerme las pilas para aprender español "
I have to put effort to learn spanish